If you care about what happens to your property after you die, you should make a Will. Without one, the State directs who will inherit, so your relatives, friends or favourite charities may receive nothing.
It is particularly important to make a Will if:
- You are not married to your partner
- You are worried about Inheritance Tax or care fees
- You have children or dependants who may not be able to care for themselves
- You are liable to pay inheritance tax on what you own
- You have people who depend on you financially
- Your permanent residence is not in the UK or you are not a British Citizen
- You live here but you have overseas property
- You own all, or part of a business
Keep your Will updated
It is easy to forget that it is important to make a new Will if your circumstances change, for example, marriage, separation, divorce or having a child. Therefore, it is important that you review your Will regularly to reflect any major changes in your life. You may only need a very simple Will which we can deliver back to you within hours or you may require expert specialist advice, either way.
What happens if you don’t make a Will?
If you die without leaving a Will your estate will be dealt by intestacy rules and your spouse, civil partner, partner or children may not receive as much as you would have wanted them to; if you have no spouse or children your nearest next of kin (parents, siblings, nieces and nephews) will inherit your estate whether you would have wanted them to or not. If you have no family members then all of your estate will go to the Crown. The absence of Will can also lead to family disputes or your family having to pay more inheritance tax than necessary as a Will can be part of the tax-planning process. Â
Take the next step…
Call brains today on 01726 68111 or 01872 276363 for professional, expert advice on preparing a new or reviewing an existing Will.
We participate in several free Will schemes throughout the year, these are publicised in the local press.